Name:Genevieve Lemieux
Age: 22
Gender: female
Location: Montreal, quebec, Canada
Birthdate: february 10, 1983
20+ bands you like: Annie Anxiety,Berurier noir,Black Flag,Brigada,Choking Victims,Conflict,Crass,D.R.I,Dead Kennedys,Dirt,Exploited,Flux of Pink Indians,G.B.H,Heyoka,Leftover Crack,Lucrate Milk,Nacked Aggression,Ramones,Rudimentary Peni,SexPistols,Sham 69,Stratford Mercenaries,Subhumans,Casualities,Clash,Vandals,Virus,UK Subs,Zounds, Les vieilles saloppes
A movie you like:Battle royale
Favorite Food:rasberry
So, what's up today? Im good, like always;)
How do you feel about most people? Every one have their reason to act like they do, I dont judge, but i try to make them understand...
What famous person do you think is a huge fuckhole and why? Bush..i dont have to explain
...why we have to do an application..oh well. hi everyone.
I was a member here before, StalkAbsinthe... I changed my journal and thought I'd let everyone know!!
- Cause you know you want to know.
Anyone know of any good shows coming up in the socal area?
- Current Music
- The Exploited-Blown To Bits